A former correctional officer has been sentenced for attempting to smuggle contraband into the south Mississippi prison, while a current officer stands accused of fraternizing...
As the Mississippi Department of Corrections continues Operation Zero Tolerance, Kemper-Neshoba County Regional Correctional Facility in DeKalb was the scene of the latest shakedown early Wednesday morning....
The Mississippi Department of Corrections is expanding the use of a proven cognitive behavioral change program under Commissioner Pelicia E. Hall’s goal to offer more...
On Thursday, for the first time inmates at South Mississippi Correctional Institution will be able to talk face to face with representatives from businesses and...
Mississippi’s oldest prison has its new superintendent. Marshal Turner has been named superintendent of Mississippi State Penitentiary at Parchman. The 18,000 square foot prison in...
The Mississippi Department of Corrections confirms that state inmate Gregory Tripp, who escaped from the Scott County Jail over the weekend has been captured and...
In their continued effort to crack down on contraband entering the prison system, Commissioner Pelicia Hall makes a statement on one of their own caught...