WASHINGTON, D.C.–The reaction to a rule change in the Senate that will ultimately result in Pres. Obama’s appointments to the U.S. Court of Appeals, Washington,...
WASHINGTON, D.C.–If you’re a hunter or a fisherman, if the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gets its way, you would no longer have lead bullets or...
HATTIESBURG, Miss.–It required some high-level letters being sent, but the ROTC program at USM will stay open for at least another two years. The move...
WASHINGTON, D.C.–A nomination by Pres. Obama and resounding yes votes from Mississippi’s senators led the U.S. Senate to confirm Debra Brown, a Yazoo native and...
WASHINGTON, D.C.–The bill that could keep your flood insurance rates from going sky high was introduced Tuesday in the U.S. Senate. It could mean thousands...
JACKSON, Miss.–You probably feel like there’s too many people fooling around with your health coverage at this point: the feds, the state government, Blue Cross,...
WASHINGTON, D.C.–If you’re one of about 19,000 Mississippians who work for the federal government, the unpaid vacation your DC government provided for you is over....
MARSHALL COUNTY, Miss.–You might remember when Mississippi’s senators were in favor of sending $50 billion in aid to people in the northeast affected by Hurricane...
WASHINGTON, D.C.–It was an almost unanimous “no” to Pres. Obama’s planned strike against Syria from Mississippi’s Washington delegation. Most of the representatives and senators had...