“The Banality,” a feature film written and directed by Strack Azar and Michael Stevantoni, is to shoot in the Delta area from July 29th until August 25th. Actor Chris Mulkey (Twin Peaks, Whiplash, Captain Phillips) will play the lead role, Father Moss, along with a cast of both local and LA-based talent.
“The Banality” is a supernatural drama about a small town priest who attempts to console a couple whose son was killed under suspicious circumstances, all the while struggling to decipher a series of inexplicable visions.
Azar was born and raised in Nashville and graduated high school in Greenville, before moving to Los Angeles to study at Chapman University’s film school. Having recently graduated, Strack is returning to direct his debut feature film, inspired by the region’s lush scenery and based on an award-winning short film he directed in town last summer.
There are a number of ways for Delta residents to get involved with the production.
Strack Azar joined Rebecca Turner on Good Things to talk film and making Mississippi home.
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