Jackson, Miss- Warm and sunny, maybe a few clouds across the state today as you’re meeting with family and friends for Thanksgiving.
North Mississippi, just a few clouds today as the high gets near 70, dropping into the mid 50’s tonight.
Central Mississippi, Thanksgiving Day for you looks bright and warm, highs in the mid 70’s, dropping into the 50’s overnight.
South Mississippi, temps breaking into the 70’s by the time the turkey’s done, cooling off into the 50’s as you’re getting ready for Black Friday shopping.
Friday across the state the clouds thicken up, and the chance of rain grows.
North Mississippi you could see some rainfall Friday, just a small chance for now, but that chance grows through Friday night and sticks around all weekend.
Central Mississippi, still sunshine mixed with clouds for your Friday, highs in the 70’s, not seeing a chance of rain until Saturday.
South Mississippi, more sunshine Friday but you’ll see clouds here and there, warming up in the high 70’s, 50’s overnight, but come Sunday you’ll need that umbrella.
Check out the National Weather Service Website for the weather radar in your area. http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jan/