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Red Cross declares emergency blood shortage after 25% supply loss in July

Photo courtesy of the American Red Cross

The American Red Cross has now issued an emergency blood shortage as not only Mississippi but the nation faces dangerous levels of blood supply.

According to a release, this summer’s record heat and travel are contributing factors to the organization seeing a 25% inventory deficit in July alone. Meanwhile, hospital demand for blood products has remained constant, rapidly drawing down the blood supply.

While all blood types are needed, type O donors are imperative. With type O supply being so low, the American Red Cross has had to reduce distributions of this vital blood type in recent weeks to below hospital comfort levels.

“Having type O blood products readily available is vital to providing timely and lifesaving care to patients in need,” said Dr. Baia Lasky, division chief medical officer for the Red Cross. “In fact, for a patient suffering massive blood loss, like an individual in a car accident or a mom experiencing a severe postpartum hemorrhage, group O is the most commonly transfused blood type.

“For trauma patients, each minute of delay can increase the chance of death by five percent. More than a quarter of all blood products each year are used in critical care and emergency room situations – those transfusions are only available because of the generosity of blood and platelet donors.”

To incentivize Mississippians to donate blood as soon as possible, the Red Cross is giving out $20 Amazon gift cards to anyone who donates before Aug. 31. Appointments to give blood or platelets can be made by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

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