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Property damage from Ida minimal in Biloxi, harbors and marina’s are open

Image courtesy of the City of Biloxi

Property damage from Hurricane Ida appears to be limited, though Community Development Director Jerry Creel is encouraging businesses and residents to report any structural damage.

“We’re following through with our damage estimates, and we’re asking anyone with structure damage from the storm to call the Community Development Department at 228-435-6280 so that we can immediately send someone out for an inspection.”

Biloxi Spokesman Vincent Creel believes we can thank Zeta for the limited damage.

“The limited damage we received from Hurricane Ida may have been minimized by the hit we took last year from Hurricane Zeta. Hurricane Zeta removed many of the weak or dead trees and substandard structures that would have certainly added to the damage caused by Hurricane Ida.”

The Popp’s Ferry Bridge can accomodate marine traffic, and the public harbors and marinas are now open to boaters who agree to sign a waiver if they choose to return.

“We’ve made initial inspections of the harbors and marinas,” said Port Division Manager Larry Sablich, “but for the time being those boaters who want to return can if they sign a waiver noting that there may still be some damage. We know boaters are anxious to get back and we want to try to help them accomplish that.”

Public Works crews were on the Popp’s Ferry bridge this morning inspecting the bridge’s locking system before re-installing crossing bars.

(Source:  City of Biloxi)

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