Recently, Pascagoula mayor Dr. Steve Demetropoulos made an appearance on The Gallo Show to provide an update on the approach he is taking amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Demetropoulos, who stepped into the political arena for the first time this past February, is wary on opening the economy too fast.

“We want to be thoughtful on our approach, so we are really going to follow the lead of the State Health Department,” Demetropoulos said.
Demetropolous is a practicing physician at Singing River Health Services, so he has been following the numbers more than closely and understands the likelihood of a second wave and the catalytic effect the reopening of the economy could have on a resurgence of the virus.
“Our numbers in Jackson County have actually flattened out,” Demetropoulos said. “We don’t want to get that double peak, so we’ll probably turn the faucet on a little bit and open up some things when the governor decides to start opening up some nonessential [businesses].”
Pascagoula is home to Ingalls Shipbuilding, which employs 12,500 people. With a large number of employees coming from Alabama, the mayor emphasized the precautionary measures the shipyard is taking.
“They really have stepped up what they do in terms of screening,” Demetropoulos said. “They have a really good process in place.”
According to Demetropoulos, Ingalls employees have to go through temperature stations before being allowed to work, and if anybody has a fever, they are immediately sent to a COVID-19 test center.
To hear the full interview with Demetropoulos, click the video below.