JACKSON, Miss– December isn’t just about holiday travel, it’s about making sure you’ve got a plan if you’re drinking or using a prescription drug.
Holiday season means celebrating for many, and at those celebrations, there could be alcohol. When the party is over, do you have a driver?
“Even if you don’t know if you’re going to be drinking, have a plan,” says Kevin Foote, spokesperson for MDOT, “have a driver that isn’t drinking or just call a cab.”
Foote says 684 people were involved in drug and alcohol related car accidents in 2012.
“People are using prescription drugs, sometimes illegally,” says Foote, “then they are a danger behind the wheel if they are impaired.”
There are other factors that impair driving, not just alcohol.
“That text, phone call, or email can wait,” Foote says, “also keep speeds down around construction zones, even at night.”
The number one prevention of an impaired driving accident is to have a plan, according to Foote.
“Use a friend or public transportation,” says Foote, “either way, have a plan in place.”