A number of Republican lawmakers are planning to object to the electoral college results certifying Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential election. MS Congressman Steven Palazzo is among them. He issued the following statement:
“I cannot vote to certify the results of an election in certain states that millions of Americans and I do not wholeheartedly trust. States cannot bypass their legislature to alter election processes, nor can they violate the laws already in place to safeguard the election. It’s unacceptable to have ballots accepted after statute allows; those ballots should be deemed fraudulent or void. I stand with millions of Americans who do not approve or accept the submission made by the electoralcollege until a complete and thorough investigation of all evidence has been conducted.”

“I cannot idly stand by and watch Mississippi be disenfranchised while other states knowingly violated their Constitution and side-stepped their legislatures in the 2020 election. I am committed to ensuring that all Americans are confident and trust the outcome of our election; it’s the bedrock of our democracy.”
More than a dozen GOP Senators are expected to join in the objection.
The counting is more or less a formality. Election law says Congress has to treat states’ results completed by the safe harbor deadline of Dec. 8th as conclusive.