North Mississippi waking up after a night full of rain and thunder. You’ll want to keep the umbrella handy today, because you’re looking at another round of showers moving thru the area today. There IS some good news, though: your high will only peak in the lower 80s, and you can expect to dry out over the next few days with highs ticking into the upper 80s.
Central Mississippi, on the other hand: you’re in for more rain today and tomorrow. You’re looking at about an 80 percent coverage for your Monday, with highs in the upper 80s and some stark humidity when you’re not dodging raindrops. Showers and thunderstorms will scatter thru this evening, clear out later tonight and rekindle tomorrow afternoon.
South Mississippi looking at a soggy few days ahead as well: thunderstorms and rain expected at least thru Tuesday night. Today’s high reaching 90 as storms break across the area. Look for a cold front to cool things off tomorrow: your Tuesday high reaching a stormy 80.