If you want to catch a glimpse of the International Space Station, you’ll have your chance now until Saturday.
Here are a list of times that the space station will be visible:
Wednesday, May 3 @ 4:51 A.M.
WEATHER: Mostly clear sky
HOW LONG: Visible for 3 minutes
WHERE: Appears in southern sky, disappears in east
Thursday, May 4 @ 5:35 A.M.
WEATHER: Heavy rain and strong storms
HOW LONG: Visible for 5 minutes
WHERE: Appears in southwestern sky, disappears in the northeast
Friday, May 5 @ 4:45 A.M.
WEATHER: Mostly clear sky
HOW LONG: Visible for 2 minutes
WHERE: Appears in southwest sky, disappears in northeast
Saturday, May 6 @ 5:28 A.M.
WEATHER: Clear sky
HOW LONG: Visible for 3 minutes
WHERE: Appears in northwest sky, disappears in north