Governor Phil Bryant issued an executive order that will provide training for law enforcement when dealing with opioids. The order also asks physicians and health care professionals to restrict opioids.
“It will encourage the training of law enforcement officers for the use of Narcan, an agent that would help counteract the effects of an opioid or heroin overdose,” said Governor Bryant. “So, if a police officer or first responder reaches an individual who is about to lose his life because of an overdose of opioid or heroin, they will be able to apply the use of this nasal spray and be able to counteract the effects of that overdoses.”
Bryant continued.
“Secondly, we are requesting that the board of health issue rules to restrict and to curtail opioid use and implementation of closer reporting of this process,” said Bryant. “What we need is to curtail the use and prescription of opioids and doctors and medical professionals know how to do that. We will encourage their board to promulgate rules and regulations that will help to control that.”
The executive order will also require coroners to comply with a current state code, which says that all coroners should and must report opioid overdose deaths to the bureau of narcotics.
Coroners will also be urged to retrieve any pharmaceuticals particularly opioid pharmaceuticals, that could cause an overdose and deliver them to law enforcement.
Bryant said that while the order restricts medical professionals from prescribing opioids, he said some drugs are needed.
“We understand the need for these drugs and how it will affect those with chronic pain and we are allowing our medical community to interact with law enforcement so that we do not take away those needed treatment options for those that are suffering,” said Bryant.