Andi Davis

Halloween in the COVID-19 era: Tips to enjoy it safely

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many traditional…

Andi Davis Andi Davis

Mississippi Weather Outlook for Wednesday, September 23rd

Here's a look at your statewide forecast: To the north, showers likely…

Andi Davis Andi Davis

Every Farmer Counts: National Farm Safety and Health Week

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, agriculture is the most…

Andi Davis Andi Davis

Palazzo signs pledge in support of law enforcement

Congressman Steven Palazzo has signed Heritage Action's Police Pledge in support of police officers…

Andi Davis Andi Davis

Mississippi Weather Outlook for Tuesday, September 22nd

Here's a look at your statewide forecast: To the north, mostly cloudy…

Andi Davis Andi Davis

Special Election on Tuesday to fill four legislative seats

Voters will go to the polls Tuesday, September 22nd,  to choose new…

Andi Davis Andi Davis

161st Mississippi State Fair: “The show must go on.”

Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce Andy Gipson announced details of the 161st Mississippi…

Andi Davis Andi Davis

Mississippi Weather Outlook for Monday, September 21st

Here's a look at your statewide forecast: To the north, mostly sunny…

Andi Davis Andi Davis

Mississippi Weather Outlook for Sunday, September 20th

Here's a look at your statewide forecast: To the north, mostly sunny…

Andi Davis Andi Davis

Mississippi Weather Outlook for Saturday, September 19th

Here's a look at your statewide forecast: To the north, mostly sunny…

Andi Davis Andi Davis