JACKSON, MISS– Senators passed House Bill 32 on Tuesday, which amends the appointed superintendents bill that was signed into law last session.
In review, lawmakers had found a discrepancy in the bill.
“We found a technical flaw,” said Rep. John Moore. “Counties with elected superintendents.. it could cost them a lot of money for special elections.”
The legislation goes into effect in 2019, when the current terms for school superintendents come to a close. However, if a school district superintendent were to resign, a special election would have been called, as the legislation did not address such an event.
The amendment changed that.
“In the event that the superintendent leaves office,” said Rep. Moore. “It would allow the school board to appoint that superintendent as if the law were already in effect.”
With this fix, school districts could avoid a costly special election–which would be funded with taxpayer money– to replace a superintendent that may leave office before the law activates in 2019.
Governor Phil Bryant signed the appointed superintendent’s legislation into law in April of 2016.
Very few states still practice the process of electing a school superintendent. Ninety-percent of the nation’s elected superintendents currently serve in Mississippi.
Those currently serving in elected positions will still live out their four year terms.