On Wednesday, Attorney General Lynn Fitch announced she is preparing a lawsuit against China, claiming that the communist nation covered up the severity of the novel coronavirus.
She joined The Gallo Show on Friday morning to talk more about the case.

“Our lawsuit gives Mississippians an opportunity to seek the justice they deserve,” Fitch said. “This could have been avoided if China would have been a good global citizen, but unfortunately, they knew the danger, they allowed it to spread, rather than alert the world.”
Fitch mentioned that the virus’s effect on the state of Mississippi was enough to prompt litigation. In Mississippi alone, the virus has killed 209 people and forced over 130,000 people to file for unemployment.
“The coronavirus has caused tremendous medical harm across our state, it’s destroyed our businesses, and functionally altered the American way of life,” Fitch said. “We believe this is the way to make them pay…for all of the damage they have done to all of us here in Mississippi.”
Fitch is the second attorney general to take legal action against China as Missouri’s Eric Schmitt also filed a lawsuit earlier this week, accusing China of not only lying to the world but silencing journalists, doctors, and whistleblowers.
The idea of suing an entire country may seem impossible. However, there are ways to sue communist nations under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, and Fitch believes most to all states “will follow suit.”
To listen to the full interview with Fitch, click the video below.