Isolated severe storms will be possible after midnight tonight over the Arkansas and Mississippi–and more Isolated severe storms will be possible Saturday along and north of Highway 82. The main severe threat will be damaging wind. Temperature wise, you’re looking at highs in the upper 80s, pushing over the 90s in North west Mississippi.. and along the coast, more rain is possible today with a 40% chance of thunderstorms.
Saturday, North Mississippi, rainfall is likely with about a 60% chance of thunderstorms. Highs are expected to be in the upper 80s, with the storm chances lingering through the night with lows dipping into the 70s.
Central Mississippi will see higher temps and a slightly smaller chance of storms at 40 percent Saturday, highs in the low 90’s, low 70s overnight
And for South Mississippi, just a slight chance of storms on Saturday, highs in the upper 80s, not cooling much for Saturday night as clouds clear but temps hang around 80.