WASHINGTON, D.C.–You heard about possible cuts to food stamps, or the SNAP program, last year and in early 2014, when the Farm Bill was being debated in Washington. Reports coming out of D.C. today say that the cuts will only happen in four states, and Mississippi is not on that list.
About one out of four Mississippians is on SNAP.
The results of the plan, though, may mean that the country will not save as much as previously thought. That was originally supposed to be about $9 billion over the next ten years.
You might remember that the big hold-up in getting a Farm Bill passed was the debate over how much Food Stamp money would be cut. It costs you about $80 billion per year across the country. Democrats did not want a cut and Republicans wanted more than the one percent eventually agreed on.
Mississippi’s Sen. Thad Cochran (R) was one of the authors of the bill.
LINK: Related Article: /food-stamp-benefits-will-drop-farm-bill-expected-pass-senate-today/