Photo courtesy of MEMA
Federal funds will assist several counties after severe weather pounded South Mississippi in December.
Governor Bryant announced that President Trump has declared Clarke, Covington, Forrest, Greene, Jasper, Jones, Marion, Newton, Perry and Wayne counties as federal disaster areas. The declaration is in response to the severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding that impacted Mississippi on December 27-28, 2018.
Those 10 counties are eligible for ‘Public Assistance’, which is reimbursement grants to local governments and non-profit organizations for things like damage to infrastructure, debris removal, and overtime to responders.
Individual Assistance (assistance to individuals and households) is not included in the declaration.
“I am grateful to President Trump’s administration for its complete approval of our request,” Governor Bryant said. “This declaration will help these 10 counties in rebuilding their infrastructure that was damaged at the end of 2018”.
“I was very happy to get the call from FEMA confirming approval of Governor Bryant’s request for federal assistance, said MEMA Executive Director Greg Michel. “I want to thank everyone for their great teamwork at the local, state, and federal level over the course of this weather event”.
Mississippi is also approved statewide for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, which is for measures/actions taken that reduce or eliminate long term risk to people and property from natural hazards.